A Day in the Life: Jabari

Get a glimpse of life as a Global Citizen Year Fellow, where no two days are ever the same.

Hey everybody, I'm Jabari

I went to high school in New York and am currently studying Africana and Photography at Cornell University. This is a glimpse into my life in Senegal.

Jabari Gambrel
Jabari 1

Walk to Work

As a baker, I walk to work through streets surprisingly crowded, with sheep, goats and cows. It’s a strange feeling being the only person awake, but my walk to work provides time for reflection, star gazing and Beyoncé listening!

Jabari 2

Light the Oven

Usually we have prepared the dough for the bread and now have to light the oven. It is a Senegalese oven made of stone and clay and is heated with a mixture of wood and hay. It takes a while to cut the wood and wait for the dough to rise.

Jabari 3

Bread in the oven

The Bread is rolled and in this picture you can see a fraction of the 100-200 pieces of bread we make a day. We feed most of the village every morning! Soon people will line up ready to by the warm fresh bread. “This bread is probably the best in the world” – Me everyday

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Breakfast with Bouba

As the sun comes up I get to enjoy the bread I have just made with my host family. It is always funny when my family exclaims how dirty I am, as I am usually covered in flour and exhausted.

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Jabari 6

Health Post

After my nap I go to the health post to begin my second apprenticeship. The health post mostly receives patients with Malaria and women having check-ups.

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I gather with my family to eat lunch out of the communal bowl.

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If its not too hot after lunch, I go walking or watch the kids play soccer.

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My region is covered in beautiful mountains and hikes with the most rewarding views. I don’t hike everyday, but go everytime I get the chance! After this I eat dinner and promptly K.O. from exhaustion.

Experience a day in the life of other fellows

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Sarah Murray headshot

Day in the life / Brazil

My apprenticeship is at a school for people with disabilities where I help to lead gardening, games, and capoeira.

See Sarah's Story
Jasen Lo headshot

Day in the life / Senegal

Being able to speak Wolof endears me to my community.

See Jasen's story
Basil Wiering Headshot, India '18

Day in the life / India

I often hail a rickshaw into various parts of the city to meet friends and practice street photography.

See Basil's story
Amari Leigh

Day in the life / Brazil

After my community garden apprenticeship, I like to hang out at the local waterfall with my friends.

See Amari's story
Fernanda Tornell headshot

Day in the life / Brazil

I've developed my public speaking skills and encouraged hundreds of people to take care of our planet.

See Fernanda's story
Luciana Ribeiro

Day in the life / India

I apprentice with Teach For India and also volunteer with a non-profit working to end child marriage.

See Luciana's story
Alana Poole headshot

Day in the life / India

In the afternoons, I often go on home visits to meet my students' families and understand where they come from.

See Alana's story
Anna del Savio headshot

Day in the life / Ecuador

I work with a group of indigenous artisans that make fair trade jewelry.

See Anna's story
Brooke Donner Headshot

Day in the life / Senegal

I assist in English classes ranging from 6th grade to 12th grade. There’s never a dull moment!

See Brooke's Story
Jabari Gambrel

Day in the life / Senegal

I apprentice with the local baker and also at the community health post.

See Jabari's story
Noah Hapke

Day in the life / Ecuador

I co-teach English classes at the school in my community.

See Noah's Story
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