A Day in the Life: Amari

Get a glimpse of life as a Global Citizen Year Fellow, where no two days are ever the same.

Oi, tudo bem? I'm Amari!

After finishing high school, I moved from busy and bustling New York City to a small, rural town in Brasil! Next year I’ll be attending Hamilton College in upstate New York. Come check out a regular day in my life in my new home!

Amari Leigh
Amari apprenticeship school brazil

Assistant Teach

I catch a bus to my morning apprenticeships at the school where I assistant teach English, Art, Music, and PE classes! I also help oversee the school garden. I love getting to know the kids in my community. It was extremely difficult to understand them when I first arrived, but I've ended up learning so much from them! Plus, nothing’s made me feel more like a member of the community than walking through my neighborhood and hearing one of my students scream “OI Amari!”

Amara host sister brazil


Luckily I live 2 minutes away from the school where I work, so I am able to eat almoço (lunch) at home with my family. In Brazil, lunch is the biggest meal of the day. A typical Brazilian meal consists of arroz (rice), feijão (beans), and some type of meat! After lunch, I usually chill on our hammock with my host siblings or ride bikes with them up and down our street!

Amari brazil agriculture apprenticeship

Work at community garden

It’s time to head to my second apprenticeship working in the community garden! The garden's in a historic community that was founded by fugitive slaves during the colonial period in Brazil. Working in the garden and getting my hands dirty has been a completely new experience for me and one that I surprisingly really love, but it’s the people that have made this experience so special to me!

Amari in brazil

Go for a swim

After working under the hot sun, I love to go with my friends to the local cachoeira (waterfall) or walk to the praia (beach) by my house. Getting to relax while surrounded by nature is something I treasure now and will miss immensely when I go back to the big city!

Amari capoeira in brazil

Free time to explore

Free time is something I rarely had during high school, so when I first arrived to my home stay community, I was uncomfortable with all the unconstructed time I suddenly had. Relaxation is a cultural value Brazilians take very seriously. Most days I will spend these quiet moments at home with my siblings. Other days, I explore meet friends for cultural activities like free Zumba classes on the beach or capoeira in the central plaza.

Amari and host siblings in brazil

Family Time

In the evening I eat dinner and play with my siblings. Here's a pic of the necklaces we made together! My relationship with host family has been one of the most important aspects of my gap year experience and one I will be forever grateful for. This year, I not only got the chance to observe and learn about a new culture and community, but I truly feel like I became an important part of a family!

Experience a day in the life of other fellows

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Basil Wiering Headshot, India '18

Day in the life / India

I often hail a rickshaw into various parts of the city to meet friends and practice street photography.

See Basil's story
Anna del Savio headshot

Day in the life / Ecuador

I work with a group of indigenous artisans that make fair trade jewelry.

See Anna's story
Luciana Ribeiro

Day in the life / India

I apprentice with Teach For India and also volunteer with a non-profit working to end child marriage.

See Luciana's story
Sarah Murray headshot

Day in the life / Brazil

My apprenticeship is at a school for people with disabilities where I help to lead gardening, games, and capoeira.

See Sarah's Story
Jabari Gambrel

Day in the life / Senegal

I apprentice with the local baker and also at the community health post.

See Jabari's story
Jasen Lo headshot

Day in the life / Senegal

Being able to speak Wolof endears me to my community.

See Jasen's story
Alana Poole headshot

Day in the life / India

In the afternoons, I often go on home visits to meet my students' families and understand where they come from.

See Alana's story
Brooke Donner Headshot

Day in the life / Senegal

I assist in English classes ranging from 6th grade to 12th grade. There’s never a dull moment!

See Brooke's Story
Fernanda Tornell headshot

Day in the life / Brazil

I've developed my public speaking skills and encouraged hundreds of people to take care of our planet.

See Fernanda's story
Noah Hapke

Day in the life / Ecuador

I co-teach English classes at the school in my community.

See Noah's Story
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