A Day in the Life: Brooke

Get a glimpse of life as a Global Citizen Year Fellow, where no two days are ever the same.

Hey there! I'm Brooke.

I was born and raised in Miami, Florida and am currently a student at the University of Florida. Before starting college I packed my bags and headed for Senegal, where I lived and learned in an awesome community for my Global Citizen Year. Here’s a look at what an average day (or as close to one as you can get) looked like during my gap year.

Brooke Donner Headshot
7:00 am
Brooke Donner - Breakfast


My day starts with a breakfast of bread and coffee in the patio area of my host family’s house. My host siblings and I take our time deliberating between chocolate and mayonnaise for our bread and discussing our plans for the rest of the day.

8:00 am
Brooke Donner - Teaching

Teaching English

I ride my bike to the nearby junior and senior high school for my apprenticeship. Bike riding where the roads vary from muddy rivers to pothole filled tracks, is an instant adventure. I assist in English classes ranging from 6th grade to 12th grade. There’s never a dull moment where students are eager and excited to learn English.

12:00 pm
Brooke Donner - Snacks in Town

Snacks in Town

After school I sometimes meet up with other Fellows to shop around the market or do some work on the Internet. If none of the other Fellows are in town, I make my way home on my bike, occasionally stopping for a snack, like a mango from Isatou’s mother’s vegetable stand.

1:00 pm
Brooke Donner - Lunch

Family Lunch

My family has lunch altogether. Ceebu jen, Senegal’s national dish, is one of my favorite meals, especially when my host mom scrapes the crunchy rice from the bottom of the pot.

2:00 pm
Brooke Donner - Hair Braiding

Attaya and Chill

I gather with friends and family in the shade to chat, listen to music, and make attaya – a loose-leaf green tea, that’s a staple in households across Senegal. In between glasses of attaya, we also braid and unbraid hair.

3:00 pm
Brooke Donner - Host Siblings

Play with Host Siblings

If I don’t have language class, I get to hang out with this crew of kids. Safi, Coumba, and Hadja’s spontaneous singing and dancing make it nearly impossible for me to be around them without smiling or laughing.

5:00 pm
Brooke Donner - Host Mom Cooking

Cook with my Host Mom

I help out with sweeping, mopping and doing the dishes, but by far my favorite task is cooking with my host mom. Building my repertoire of local dishes has been a goal she and I have both enjoyed working on.

7:00 pm
Brooke Donner - Sunset

Watch the Sunset

Believe it or not, sunsets as spectacular as this one occur quite frequently in my community. They remind me how incredibly lucky I am to spend my time in this incredible place with these incredible people, and leave me with a heart full of gratitude.

Experience a day in the life of other fellows

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Jasen Lo headshot

Day in the life / Senegal

Being able to speak Wolof endears me to my community.

See Jasen's story
Basil Wiering Headshot, India '18

Day in the life / India

I often hail a rickshaw into various parts of the city to meet friends and practice street photography.

See Basil's story
Fernanda Tornell headshot

Day in the life / Brazil

I've developed my public speaking skills and encouraged hundreds of people to take care of our planet.

See Fernanda's story
Alana Poole headshot

Day in the life / India

In the afternoons, I often go on home visits to meet my students' families and understand where they come from.

See Alana's story
Amari Leigh

Day in the life / Brazil

After my community garden apprenticeship, I like to hang out at the local waterfall with my friends.

See Amari's story
Anna del Savio headshot

Day in the life / Ecuador

I work with a group of indigenous artisans that make fair trade jewelry.

See Anna's story
Jabari Gambrel

Day in the life / Senegal

I apprentice with the local baker and also at the community health post.

See Jabari's story
Luciana Ribeiro

Day in the life / India

I apprentice with Teach For India and also volunteer with a non-profit working to end child marriage.

See Luciana's story
Noah Hapke

Day in the life / Ecuador

I co-teach English classes at the school in my community.

See Noah's Story
Sarah Murray headshot

Day in the life / Brazil

My apprenticeship is at a school for people with disabilities where I help to lead gardening, games, and capoeira.

See Sarah's Story
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