A Day in the Life: Ulviya

Get a glimpse into how the Academy can enrich your gap year, college, or high school experience.

Hi, I'm Ulviya, but you can call me Ulvi.

I'm from Dhaka, Bangladesh, but for the past two years I lived in a castle by the sea in Wales, also known as UWC Atlantic! Before starting college, I decided to joing the Academy because I wanted to challenge my understanding of what education looks like. I was eager to discover the unknown instead of following the timeline I'd initially created for myself. Here's a look at a day in my life as a gap year student!

Ulvi headshot
Ulvi waking up

Waking up & getting my brain working

As a night owl, I'm usually awake throughout the night. However, on the occasions when my day actually starts in the morning it's important for me to feel like my brain is active. I like to feel like I'm in control of my life, rather than the other way around! I'll usually take some time to prep for my day and also to do something relaxing whether it's painting or watching a youtube video.

Ulvi lunch


As my classes are at night, I use my afternoons to start on pre-work, readings, my media fellowship, and club activities. I'm a member of the bookclub, so I'll read our book of the month and eat lunch.

Ulvi afternoon

Work as a Marketing Assistant & Photographer

I photograph products for my mum's business and handle the social media accounts. So on certain days of the week, I'll head over to the shop and work for a few hours. Since my parents are usually at the shop the whole day, this allows me to spend some quality time with them too, so that's always lovely.

Ulvi art

Rest & Create Art

By the time 6:00pm comes around, I'll usually take a small nap to reenergize myself. However, on the days I'm not as tired, I'll use the time to dive into my creative side, making artwork that spotlights Academy students or for my art account on Instagram (@ulviyart_). Sometimes I'll also take the opportunity to take in the beautiful scenery outside my window and appreciate a few slow minutes of the day.


Impact Partnership with CARE

Through the Academy's Impact Partnerships, I was able to become a volunteer with the non-profit CARE. I usually work on my projects with CARE throughout the day, but dedicate an hour before class starts to make sure everything is on track. Every Wednesday I meet with my lovely supervisor to update her on my progress, get new tasks, and discuss politics.

Ulvi prep for class

Class Time

I usually spend a half hour before class polishing my understanding of the material, answering the guideline questions, and taking notes. By doing it right before class, the concepts are fresh in my mind and I'm able to contribute and understand what's going on better.

Ulvi speaker series

Speaker Series

The timing for the speaker series varies, but it often falls late at night for me so I'll multitask and eat dinner simultaneously. The speaker series was a large factor behind me applying to Global Citizen Year Academy, and I've thoroughly enjoyed listening to inspiring leaders share their wisdom and experience with us. Afteward, I'll usually reflect on the session and then get ready for bed. However, no day is the same as another. Some days are packed, some days are less packed, but I look forward to each day just as much as the last!

Experience a day in the life of other fellows

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Ulviya headshot for fellow card

Day in the life / Academy

Through the Academy I'm volunteering with CARE. And I still have time for work.

See Ulviya's Story
Sam headshot fellow card

Day in the life / Academy

Meet four Academy students from around the world!

Meet 4 Academy Students!
Ziko - headshot

Day in the life / Academy

The thought-provoking conversations with students from all walks of life challenge and expand my worldview.

See Ziko's Story
Mel - headshot small

Day in the life / Academy

Our class is so open to new ideas and discussing all sorts of interesting topics on self, community, society, and how we all intertwine!

See Mel's Story
Ana Isabel - headshot small

Day in the life / Academy

The Academy has been an amazing way to connect with people from all around the world and find people who share a love for making an impact.

See Ana Isabel's Story
Montserrat headshot fellow card

Day in the life / Academy

The Academy's been the best part of my gap year in Chile.

See Montserrat's Story
Camila headshot fellow card

Day in the life / Academy

During my gap year I'm doing the Academy and running a youth activism podcast.

See Camila's Story
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