Alumni are thriving in college and leading lives that change the world, for good.

Key Stats

91% become proficient in a new language

The vast majority of Fellows placed in Brazil, Senegal, and Ecuador return proficient in a new language.

Tesla, JP Morgan, United Nations, TFA

After college, alumni are finding meaningful work with cross-sector organizations and 85% believe their work makes a difference in the lives of others.

Graduate college one year faster

Our alumni are graduating from college one year faster than the national average.

Fulbright, Rhodes & Gates Scholars

Distinguished by their Global Citizen Year, alumni achieve competitive grants and fellowships.

Ananda Day

Ananda Day

Age: 28

Job: Carbon

School: UNC Chapel Hill

Country: Senegal

unc chapel hill logo for Ananda
carbon logo for Ananda

Ananda chose Global Citizen Year because she wanted to arrive at college with a clear sense of purpose. During her Global Citizen Year in Senegal she was able to explore new passions and connected with local entrepreneurs successfully using algae as a resource to tackle malnourishment. Inspired by the impact she saw, Ananda continued on an entrepreneurial track at UNC Chapel Hill and now works at the world's leading 3D printing company developing new products to solve problems and improve the status quo.

"Global Citizen Year informed every class that I took in college, shifted my values from grades to learning and drove my commitment to make a change in the world."

Jordan Lee

Jordan Lee

Age: 25

Job: Research Analyst at McKinsey & Co in Qatar

College: Yale University

Country: Ecuador

Yale University logo
mckinsey logo

In high school, Jordan was certain he'd become a doctor. During his Global Citizen Year he was able to test out his career path with an apprenticeship at a health clinic in Ecuador. Through this first hand experience, Jordan realized that his real passion wasn't medicine, but actually energy. With a new sense of direction, Jordan pursued energy and middle east studies at Yale University, and now works on energy solutions as a Research Analyst with McKinsey & Co in Qatar.

"My Global Citizen Year gave me the confidence to discern where my passions lie, and the courage to pursue those passions."

Aidan Holloway-Bidwell

Aidan Holloway Bidwell, Ecuador '13, Carleton College

Age: 23

Job: Software engineer at Google

School: Carleton College

Country: Ecuador

Google Logo
Carleton College logo

Aidan had spent time doing international service in Nepal, prompting his interest in Global Citizen Year. Throughout his gap year, he tackled projects he never anticipated, giving him the confidence to pursue computer science. The global perspective learned abroad led him to seek out a company that shared the same mindset, and he landed his dream job at Google upon graduation.

“You’re going to be thrown into situations where you have too much responsibility. Or maybe not enough, and you need to find ways to solve problems. You have to make connections.”


JT Su, Ecuador '14, NYU

Age: 23

Job: Teach for America

School: NYU

Country Ecuador


After taking volunteer trips to places as far as China, Ghana, Tanzania, and Guatemala, JT realized his passion for learning about different cultures. He spent a gap year abroad, and quickly watched his network grow. He was accepted into New York University, even landing an internship before starting freshman year. JT now works at Teach for America in Hawaii, a position he was offered before graduation.

“You can’t put a price on this experience. I’ve gained so many life skills, experiences, connections, memories. I have changed as a person. I have grown as a leader.”

Joan Hanawi

Joan Hanawi, Ecuador, UCLA

Age: 25

Job: Social Impact Strategy Consultant at GOOD

School: UCLA

Country Ecuador


Joan spent her Global Citizen Year working for the Ministry of the Environment in Ecuador, where she witnessed sustainability issues and environmental preservation first hand—before learning about it at UCLA. She now works at GOOD helping large corporations create sustainable programs, in a role that was specifically crafted for her and her unique professional experience.

“When I got to UCLA, I was the only one in a lecture hall of 500 who could say I’d witnessed what we were studying in real life. I was so far ahead that I was already applying for grants my freshmen year.”

Kim Asenbeck

Kim Asenbeck, Brazil '12, Wellesley College

Age: 24

Job: Software Engineer at Microsoft

School: Wellesley College

Country: Brazil


Kim’s Global Citizen Year experience changed her original plans for college. After living in a community with a lot of inequality and underdevelopment, she entered Wellesley College studying economics and interned in an economic think tank. She wanted to make a more immediate impact, and later switched her focus to computer science. Today, she’s a Software Engineer at Microsoft.

“Global Citizen Year changed the entire course of my life. It all started on a bus. I was REALLY frustrated by the infrastructure. Now, I’m a software engineer at Microsoft, and my goal is to work on applications of technology to improve transportation.”

It's time to break out from the expected

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