Launching a Podcast on Global Gender Equality


If someone had told Nina Possert a year ago that she’d be the founder and leader of a podcast about global gender equality, she wouldn’t have believed them. But after completing Global Citizen Year Academy, Nina felt empowered to put her ideas into action. She has since produced nine podcast episodes and is leading a team of ten volunteers — all striving to cultivate a community around shared values, interests, and commitment to social impact.


Nina is 20 years old and comes from Graz, Austria. After completing her secondary education, she took a gap year with the goal of “falling in love with learning again.” Nina heard about Global Citizen Year from her brother who attended Minerva University, and she was instantly intrigued by the opportunity to develop new skills and a global network.


“The Academy opened so many new doors for me. I’ve met so many great leaders, and my understanding of leadership has changed completely. I see the world with such different eyes. I know myself better now, and the horizon of possibilities feels wider.” 


One pillar of the Academy that was particularly meaningful for Nina was learning how to create and present a social impact proposal. She has always cared deeply about women’s rights and has a background in social work, so she was excited by the idea of combining those interests. She’s also a fan of podcasts, and thought, “Why not put these things together?”


Equipped with new-found confidence, mentors, and a global cohort, Nina taught herself how to create a podcast — and then how to share it with the world.  On her podcast, The Other Side of the Story, she invites people from around the globe, often drawing on her Global Citizen Year network, and uses the question “What is it like to be a woman in your country?” as a springboard for conversation, inspiration, and action.


Nina does extensive research to prepare for every episode, but she also looks forward to being surprised by the new perspectives from her guests. Her goal for each episode is for the listener to come away having expanded their awareness about the world. The podcast features and centers diverse global perspectives, bringing them to life in a way that statistics and news articles often can’t.


“My big dream is to raise money with the podcast for women’s projects,” Nina says. “A few months ago I was just learning what true leadership really is, and now I’m actually putting my learnings in action. My goal is to become the kind of leader Global Citizen Year taught me to be.”


There are a number of key leadership lessons from Global Citizen Year that have stuck with Nina as she’s navigated the journey of launching a podcast. In every interaction, she prioritizes being a good listener and treating everyone with respect. Nina shared that each episode is an opportunity to lead with empathy, to champion equity, and to turn her passions into action.


“The Academy has made me realize that you can just do it. There’s nobody stopping you. You just have to do it — and you really can. Leadership is not a title or a role. It is about what you do.”


Nina is grateful that she learned these lessons at such a young and formative age. Now, equipped with these skills and perspectives, she cannot wait to see what she builds next.