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Global Citizen Year is an immersive gap year abroad for bold high school grads who are hungry to experience the world and make an impact before college.

Request info to get detailed descriptions of our programs in Brazil, Ecuador, India, or Senegal.

Get a world ahead

Make an Impact

Gain real-world experience in fields like environmental conversation, public health, education, agriculture, or social enterprise (just to name a few).

Learn a language

Build fluency in Spanish, French, Portuguese, Hindi, Wolof, or other local languages.

Live with a Family

Experience a new culture through daily life with your host family – celebrate festivals together, learn to cook from your host mom, play pick up soccer with your siblings.

Make lifelong friends

Join a community of extraordinary young people like you from around the world. Forge lifelong friendships through shared adventures and trainings.

Maximize College

Arrive on campus refreshed, focused, and with the advantage of real-world experience.