The Academy

Join a community of determined young leaders from around the world. Through our signature leadership course, talks with today’s top changemakers, and personalized mentorship, you’ll build power skills for a lifetime of social impact.


Students worldwide ages 17-21


Fall 2022 semester
(Exact dates coming soon!)


$5,000 USD

Application Opens

Early Spring 2022

Our world needs young leaders now more than ever. By working with Global Citizen Year Academy, we can empower many more young people around the world with the resources and tools they need to make an impact.


Global Citizen Year Academy is so important. We have a chance in this century to address a lot of the problems that began in the last century. It really is up to us. Young people are the future -- and the now-- of social change.


Explore a typical week

Global Citizen Academy offers an engaging blend of interactive online learning, discussions with leading innovators, real-world projects, and peer collaboration.

Explore the sample schedule below to get a taste of the exploration, community, and growth that’s possible with Global Citizen Academy. To accommodate different time zones and schedules, there will be multiple sections for each course. Your schedule may not look exactly like the sample below, but we'll do our absolute best to make sure every student can join a session that works for them!


Leadership As A Practice: Seminar

19 students / 90 minutes

Gain clarity, confidence and concrete skills to connect the values that drive you with the change you want to see in the world.

Speaker Series: Leadership in Action

60 minutes

Join weekly conversations with today’s most innovative leaders.

Leadership As A Practice: Learning Group

6-8 students / 60 minutes

Discuss the concepts from the seminar in a supportive small group setting with peers from across the globe.

Leadership As A Practice

6-8 students / 60 minutes

Discuss the concepts from the seminar in a supportive small group setting with peers from across the globe.


Volunteer with our Impact Partners

Put theory into practice by volunteering with one of our impact partners working at the forefront of global challenges. [Optional]

Personalized Mentorship

Connect one-on-one with your personal mentor to set leadership goals and receive guidance on topics spanning college, career, and personal growth.


Reflect & Prep

Prepare for class with thought-provoking podcasts, TEDtalks, readings, and prompts for reflection.

Student-Led Clubs & Events

Connect with classmates across the world on the Academy’s Discord server which is overflowing with student-led clubs, discussions, events, resources, and collaborative projects.

What’s the time commitment?

Students should plan for an average weekly commitment of 7-10 hours a week. Each week students will engage in 3.5 hours on Forum participating in their leadership course and learning groups. The remaining hours are a mix of attending speaker series events, one-on-one mentorship, optional volunteer opportunties, and completing course-related pre-work, reflections, and projects.

What's the Forum learning platform like?

Learn more about Minerva’s cutting-edge Forum learning platform here.