Global Gap Year Programs: The Steps to Getting Started

Going away to college is one thing. Going away on a gap year is something else entirely. Global Citizen Year is a gap year program for those looking for something more. Does that sound like you? A gap year offers so many benefits; experience new cultures, language, adventure, life-long friendships and life skills that will set you up for success in college. Develop life skills and global competency and an improved sense of self-awareness and understanding all while becoming fluent in another language.

So how does it work? We'll show you.

Global Citizen Year: Program Steps

Global Citizen Year: Program Steps

There are many benefits to completing a gap year program with Global Citizen Year. If you have an adventurous and bold spirit there's no better way to engage your thirst for something more than through true immersion in another culture. Few will ever have the opportunity to participate in a culture on such a profound level. So what do you need to do to join?

Below are the steps you need to take to enroll in a gap year program today.

1. Apply!

Check out our application or request more information.

2. Choose your destination

Our Fellows go to Brazil, Ecuador, Senegal and India. Take this quiz to find the best location for you!

3. Train

Spend a week in California meeting your other Fellows and engaging in a week-long training program for all the final preparations you'll need before departure.

4. Orientation

Upon arriving at your destination, you'll spend your first month in a major city participating in an orientation with intensive language training and learning from members of Gates Foundation and other leading global organizations. Be part of a group of Fellows that are intelligent, driven and passionate.

5. Welcome home

Leave from orientation and get excited to meet the people who will become your new family for the next several months. Our host families are carefully screened and selected by our staff. You're sure to have a truly exceptional connection and experience with your host family.

6. Immerse

Work with members of the community and gain real work experience in an expansive number of valuable fields of study. You won't be a spectator, you'll play the sports, engage in the traditions and truly be a part of the community. Reconnect with Fellows for regular training seminars to share experiences and receive deeper training.

7. Join our Alumni Network

The end of your bridge year is just the beginning of the ongoing support you'll have as part of the Global Citizen Year alumni network. Unlock worldwide connections and opportunities that will last a lifetime.

8. College

Apply what you've learned in your bridge year and take college by storm.

During your apprenticeship you'll be a part of so many life-changing activities and events, you might be able to write the next great American novel. Until then, you'll maintain a blog illuminating all of your experiences during your bridge year. Upon returning to your home community, you'll complete a Capstone project that will share your story, raise awareness and inspire others.

If you're curious, determined and eager to try new things, a gap year program with the potential to make a a global impact could be precisely what you need and want. Apply today and get started with Global Citizen Year!

Sources: American Gap Org:

Gap Year Resources