What to Look For in a Gap Year Program

There are a number of gap year programs available to graduating high school students, but how do you know which one to choose? There's a lot you can do in a year's time but you want to make it count. That's why we created this guide to help you find find the best program for you!

Gap Year Program: What to Look For

Gap Year Program: What to Look For

Use this checklist to help narrow your search for a gap year program.


Studying abroad offers the chance to travel but doesn't give you the real world experience you might be searching for. Volunteer work can be self-satisfying but may lack any substantial real-world education. Find the right balance that will help you make the most of the experience. Some gap year programs offer the ability to earn college credits outside of the classroom, which for some is an opportunity that can't be passed up.


If you could spend a year anywhere in the world, where would it be? Keep in mind that a gap year program takes you away from the tourist spots and into the "real life" areas of a country. This provides more than a vacation can offer and offers the rare opportunity to learn more about a culture that interests you in an authentic, hands on way.


Whether it's a topic you'd like to learn more about or a global issue you'd like to be involved more in, make sure you know about all the possibilities out there before making a decision. Reading what other gap year participants have to say can help you make the right choice.


Think you can't afford a gap year program? Think again. Many programs offer scholarships and financial aid, some even offer full scholarships. 80% of fellows with Global Citizen Year received financial aid, and 30% received a full ride! Tuition is actually set on a sliding scale based on what you and your family can afford. We believe this opportunity should be open to everyone, irrespective of income level.

The Global Citizen Year Program

Start your gap year program search by taking a look at Global Citizen Year. Instead of a gap year, we call it a "bridge year" that helps you transition from high school to college. Over 80% of our Fellows take advantage of our financial aid package, you can earn college credits with real world working experience, and you can choose from several different countries and industries.

We're excited to welcome eager, curious applicants with a hunger for more into our program. If you're interested in breaking the mold, don't stop now! Learn more about the Global Citizen Year experience by checking out our Fellows' blogs or by requesting more information today!

Freedom lies in being bold.

  • Robert Frost

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