Gap Year or Gap Semester?

There are a lot of different ways in which people choose to take time out of their regular lives to learn, grow, travel, and explore the world. Two such ways that people do this are through gap years and semesters abroad. You would be forgiven for thinking that these are one and the same, but actually gap years and gap semesters can be quite different experiences. Why? Let’s get into it.

Making Connections around the World

Use Social Media

We live in an era where we are now able to communicate with each other across countries, continents — and even languages. And we can do so instantly, without ever leaving our homes. This allows you to connect with other people regardless of your respective places of residence. Your level of communication depends on what you feel comfortable with. You might be a casual user who follows a few popular travel accounts to view photos, ‘meet’ people, learn facts and read articles; or maybe you choose to get more involved in a specific online community and meet and talk to people that way. It’s really up to you!

Find a Penpal

Perhaps a more personal way to connect with people around the world would be to find a penpal. Whether this means email or traditional handwritten letters, the long-form style allows for you each to share your stories more comprehensively. You might find a penpal through someone you have previously met while traveling, on social media, or through an online service. This can be a great option for kids, and even better if you can organize it through your school.

Learn a Language

Another way to interact with people around the world, is to learn a new language. Learning a language can make it easier to speak to people from other countries and connect to other cultures, even from afar.

Teach your first language as a second language

Similarly, signing up to teach English online or in-person can also be a great way to connect with other people from different countries and cultures. You will probably have to get certified first, but there are plenty of online services that allow you to see the faces of people you teach, and vice versa.

Take a Gap Year

Of course, the best way to interact with people around the world is to actually go out and meet them! And if you are new to travel, you may not know the best way to do something like this. That is where something like a gap year program can help you out. By providing you with the means to have a fully immersive experience in another country, a gap year allows you to not only interact with other cultures, but to learn from each other in a fun and sometimes life-changing way.

Rather than simply learning about other countries in history or geography classes, why not go out and experience them for real? Traveling is the best way to experience new cultures and connect with people from around the world. The learning possibilities are endless when you are able to immerse yourself in a new culture. This opportunity will allow you to develop cross cultural skills, expand your mind, and possibly practice a new language. Look into where you might want to go for your gap year and start expanding your horizons in no time.

Gap Year Resources