Environment & Wildlife Conservation Apprenticeships in Ecuador

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Quera Environment Apprenticeship Ecuador

Ecuador is a fantastic location to get first hand experience in environmental conservation. Renowned for its biodiversity, Ecuador is also the first country to recognize the Rights of Nature in its Constitution! Past Fellows have worked with the local government on recycling campaigns, with public organization building sustainable safe water systems, with zoo and wildlife refuges, and more!

Grace worked with an international NGO promoting sustainable agriculture practices in the Andes.

"I've connected with a community making strides toward their vision of environmental security, one farm, workshop and organic market at a time."

Florin helped an indigenous organization that aids farmers and protects natural resources.

"There is no substitute for first-hand interaction with a place so far from where I am from, and for that reason, I am having an impact and taking away new knowledge just by being here."

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Spencer worked at a zoo that rescues exotic animals that were kept as pets.

"Working in this environment has been an eye-opening experience on how Western society views exotic animals."

It's time to break out from the expected

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