Academy Stories

Student Spotlight: Adarsh Choudhary

Adarsh observed how the current system of education doesn’t provide individual attention and focuses more on a worker mindset and rote learning, which causes many students to not engage in education and drop out of school. Not content to sit on the sidelines, Adarsh embarked on an entrepreneurial journey to help more students access a quality education.

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Student Spotlight: Sandra Cai

Sandra Cai, a 20-year-old student from Shenzhen in Southeast China was on the lookout for opportunities to engage with students changemakers from around the world.

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Meet Four Academy Students!

Global Citizen Year Academy brings together hopeful and determined students from more than 80 countries across the globe. Academy students come from every background imaginable, but are united by a shared vision: to do their part to move the world ahead. Meet four of the students in the inaugural Academy cohort!

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Student Spotlight: Hila Davies

Hila Davies’s passion to drive change inspired her to join the inaugural cohort of the Global Citizen Year Academy in 2020. A Welsh-Malaysian native who grew up in Singapore, Hila felt powerless and angry due to the global climate crisis. She is on a mission to educate young people about the dangers and the consequences of unchecked global warming.

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How to balance the Academy with your schedule

Three Academy students share tips to manage and organize your time to get the most out of your day.

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A Day in the Life: Ana Isabel

I am from Panama, Panama. I’m attending the Academy from here where I am finishing high school. I decided to join the Academy because I wanted to build my leadership skills and be in a community where I could truly be myself. The Academy has been an awesome experience, and also an amazing place to connect with people from all around the world, and at the some time find people who share the love for making an impact.

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A Day in the Life: Ziko

I am from Pretoria, in South Africa. I decided to join the Academy, because I wanted to have thought-provoking conversations with students from all walks of life, and therefore cultivate cultural humility by reinforcing or challenging my world view. The Academy is all and more of what I expected. I am truly grateful to have met classmates, a mentor, guest speakers and class instructors, who encourage and inspire me to evolve into the best version of myself.

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A Day in the Life: Mel

I'm from Austin, TX in the USA and I'm attending the Academy as a senior in high school! I decided to join the Academy because it seemed like a fantastic way to not only connect with people around the world but to discuss important social issues- exploring what makes a good leader and a positive change in our society. The academy has more than met my expectations. Everyone I've met is truly passionate about our planet. As students we are all so different yet share this common interest in cultivating positive change.

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A Day in the Life: Montserrat

I'm from Santiago in Chile. I decided to take a gap year to step back and be present. This has allowed me to do everything I always wanted to do but never had the time for. Joining the Academy wasn't on my original plan, but it has been the highlight of my year.

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A Day in the Life: Ulviya

Before starting college, I decided to joing the Academy because I wanted to challenge my understanding of what education looks like. I was eager to discover the unknown instead of following the timeline I'd initially created for myself.

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A Day in the Life: Rara

I'm originally from Indonesia but have lived in the U.S. for the past two years as a United World College student. I'm currently doing a full course load at St. Olaf College while also doing the Academy program. Why both? The abundant opportunities with the Academy are just too precious to be missed!

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A Day in the Life: Camila

I'm from Congonhas, Brazil. My plans for college were delayed due to the pandemic, but I decided to look for a bright side and use it as an opportunity to approach college with a better sense of community, belonging, and self-knowledge.

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